Sanju Porwal
@ABCabc123DEF678 · 0:56


Hello guys. Here is Sanjana Borward and I hope you all are doing well. My new cell live here and my cell topic is ma mary chotiti dunyaka sabara. Ma mary t anika sabha kisah maki acharmi duniaka sukun samayahem masika be dad masikabi dad sukabi abi dular Pagane. Bo sarifo banayah. You per astak per astak market. Thank you
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:49
Hello, Sanju. I really loved your description about mother. And mother is one such person in the world who actually knows the true meaning of unconditional love. She can do anything and everything for her children. And she's the one who never feels jealous of the achievements that her children has. And she'll be always happy to work for her children. And she never thinks of taking break. Always. The one constant thing that goes in her mind is how to make my children happy