Sanju Porwal
@ABCabc123DEF678 · 0:34


Hello, guys. And naive here. Naomi with the NewsWELL. So let's begin. Viru. Kalirata. Kali. Rata barsobad. Ajitariyada yada. Akuma Panilai. Akuma Panilai. Here. Ah. Sapke Satokarbi. Sapke satokarbi. Dilma nai chikesa. Tokarbi dilma nai chi. Thank you
Avneet .
@avneet_ · 0:33
Hi Sanzana. And I have to say it again that through your words, apnea Kati, beautifully explaining. How does it feel to be separated from your loved ones and how you're alone in a room full of people because you are not with the one you want to be. And I have to say that that's a hard pill to swallow. But anyways, we have to do what we got to do to survive. So really, thanks for sharing this beautiful poetry with us