Sanju Porwal
@ABCabc123DEF678 · 0:51

खत्म हो गया प्यार

Hello guys, Sanjanai here and I am here with the NewsWELL and topic is Abunahihapia so let's begin. Mujanahi karni abdumze Koibat. Mujanahi karni tomsebad dilme bhatchanai koi zad tilme bachelor. Tomayatkar mehro tihu barbar tomo mehra lee SIF e kanjan. Tomo mehra lee AB SIF a kanjan muje abnah. Muje abnah Tomara koi Upahar abnah tomarasad Kokiya yokiyab katmuki Apya. Muje Tomse nakrat apar Mojay tom sehe napatapa. Thank you
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:29
Hi. I really loved your poem. So it's really amazing and thought provoking. It's very, very important to understand everyone's feelings, and the lines that you said truly make me realize or understand the opinion that was expressed by you. It's really amazing. And the way you told the poem, the way you explain the feelings through your words was amazing. Loved it. Thank you
Sanju Porwal
@ABCabc123DEF678 · 0:02


Thank you so much