Sanju Porwal
@ABCabc123DEF678 · 0:42


You. Hello guys. And drive here. And I am here with a new sperm. And the topic is dar. So let's begin. Kabilogo kadal SATA kabilokoka der SATA kabi samatka dal SATA kabi kisiko konikada rulata kabi kifiko konikadarulata kabi mukibad kadar SATA kabi kisiki kaib dhana kabi kisi fajuda SATA dharpal hami ajmata Darhal hami ajmata dhar kamijivan viday pata. Thank you
Priya kashyap
@Priya_swell_ · 0:31
Hey there. The swell is good and the topic which you chose is seriously nice to hear. And always try to post this type of things because the things which we really don't discuss in our life a daily basis is so helping when someone post it or when someone talk about it, because generally we don't. Have people to discuss these things with them or we don't put our heart before the people because us we think that they'll judge us according to themselves
Sanju Porwal
@ABCabc123DEF678 · 0:02


Thank you