Sanju Porwal
@ABCabc123DEF678 · 0:51

Self respect

Hello, guys. Andrea here. And I made with a new cell. And it goes like this log MOBAT karte log Mobatki bhat karte boss samaj Krakar thing samskaru Jesse samskaru kiyo jesse logo ki karbi bhatti sam karbi kamostarte muhajuban. Thank you
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:37
Hi. You really pointed out one most important thing. So we actually think of traditions, we actually think of obedience, and we actually think of certain things that we are taught right from a childhood, such as values and ethics. That's what actually stops us from giving back answers to the people around us. That doesn't mean they take us for grant entered and do whatever they want
Sanju Porwal
@ABCabc123DEF678 · 0:58


Hello. Gori, I'm very thankful because you are the one who listens who listens well often and reply in positive way. But it's requested you should reply in Hindi. Because I think if I am writing in Hindi you should also reply in Hindi. So there is a request that you should try to reply in Hindi. Thank you. And if you are not able to speak Hindi, let me know to