aayushi chawla
@aayu · 2:36

The Khamar Daban incident ( #3)

We are pick that as a spot for them to camp and she knew how dangerous it could be with all of them exposed to the elements. None of it seemed to make sense. Those who thought to talk to Valentina to get some kind of answer work. It quickly met with science because after this she really fell off the radar and I think she didn't want to be a part of this investigation or have like relive all of this. So there are many unknown aspects to it
aayushi chawla
@aayu · 2:10

Theories to what happened

I just wanted to discuss some of the theories as to what actually happened. Now, it wasn't aliens. I'm saying that off the bat. But I think most of the theories have things that can be argued for nothing perfectly set. So, yeah, let's discuss the possibility of it being a nerve agent. Now, this theory does hold weight because it would explain the symptoms that the group experience, like the bleeding from the offices of the face