
TheCrusader Warrior139



drawing you in for critical thinking in a 5 minute podcast / for Yahweh’s will

Spiritual daily time

I’ve returned to swell with new apiritual insight

Saying goodbye to my job

Something ive been wrestling with for the last 7 months

Tyson Fury’s greatest fear

He said he would commit suicide before being taken to a madhouse

No church on sunday

Stopped going to church a few months ago and its not fun.

Thunderstorms, what the hell is that.

In this i talk about the clever idiot Neil Degrasse Tyson

Guarding a dying hospital

In this swell i talk about the shift today

Even royalty falls off their routines

In this i talk about how its important to stay on a routine

Morality social credit scores

"How can China measure someone’s credit score?"

Burning out creativity wise

I am slowly not caring about being on social media

What is your biggest fear

We all have one

Day 7 of 30 to ween off caffeine

Im weening off of caffeine use

Marriage is challenging

Marriage is pretty difficult, you have to forgive and work on yourself a lot…

Systematic racism

In this swell i talk about the system and ‘racism’


Its always bugged me

La Magra

In this i tell a story about a kid saying she was going to summon a demon

Here he is: Mr.Scum

Ezra miller is a prime example of his MK Ultra brain in self destruct mode

Knit together the world?

This swell is based off a pic ive seen on god knitting the world

Walking around in the fog

Last night was rough but my whole life has been like that

Mac demarco’s another one

2016 was a strange year

Too much weakness

In this swell i go over how i overheard my wife’s meeting

Birthday is coming

My thoughts on being alive

One of my first dates

In this i go over my new poem

Left hand path

In this i go over the 2 paths in life

Possibly getting fired in an hour

A swell about work and how hard its been to be legit

Swell user mugshot