Nita Odoms
@ZenReset · 1:57

Ep. 2 Breathwork

Hey, Mona Me. Welcome to Breathe Balance B. I'm NEDA, a Holistic life coach. Today we are talking about breath work. Are you feeling overwhelmed with stress or anxiety? Take a second and try this with me inhale a gentle, deep breath. Breathwork for a count of four. Okay, now slowly exhale for a count of six. It's a little longer than your inhalation and we're going to repeat this three times. It won't take long

#breathing #holisticlifecoach #zenreset #breathwork #breathebalancebe

Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 0:39
Thank you for this. I listen to your meditation as well, and I actually really like the visual for this one. To place your hands on belly and chest. I do that all the time, but then I was like, I wonder if my chest does move or not. I tried it as I go. Okay, yeah, this is just my belly. Cool. So I've really been practicing with taking deeper, full diaphragmatic belly breath lately, trying to expand my capacity for breath
Nita Odoms
@ZenReset · 0:49


Sorry a second so long to reply. I'm so pleased that the little words that I left here are helping. If we can only understand the power that we have within our beings, things will change so drastically. If you want any other tips, I actually have a couple guides on Breathwork. You can find me at zen. Reset on Instagram and look at my link. I'm not trying to upsell you or anything, I'm just offering. Thank you so much for listening
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Berotte Jean berty
@Berty97 · 1:11


Hello, Zen research. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, especially for me. And I've been dealing with a lot of anxiety recently and most of the time it happened to me to be like frozen and some important situation. Like if I am in an interview or if I have to going through something if I have to go through something important, I sort of chicken out and lost my capabilities. So that was a good friend of mine that suggests me to practice Breath Horse
