Yash Kanojia
@Yashindian · 0:44

#TellYourStory | Something I did once but will never try again...

Hey beautiful peoples. Yes, this site hope you all doing very well. If I tell you about something I did once and I will never try it again, is there was time once I smoked a cigarette and my family still don't know that. But still after smoking I felt very guilty. Then I realized that I should never try it again because that was not my type. And being so spiritually active, I realized that being in intoxication is not a very good thing for your life and

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Mar2 @phil

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:19
Hey, yash. Very powerful and beautiful realization. I'm glad you were able to not do it again and move forward with your spiritual path being your main focus. Congrats. That's exciting. And no need to have guilt. I mean, you learned something. There's very valuable in that. So that lesson served you very well
