D. Meatrie
@wickedgypsybird · 2:41

MAGIC in the Gallery

It's the closing of the show when the curtains come through the blood drenched Floyds, the daisies and the marigold stained with the ones from before. Let me bring you down into the galley of the stage and no one knows how many times we got trashed underneath the floor. How many times you slammed my face into the dressing room glass, told me I couldn't do better than all of this, that I now have it's this mirage

About loss and acceptence. #duality #poetry #loss #movingon #acceptance

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:32
Wow. This was so good. I'm really glad that you skipped the disclaimer and went straight into the straight into the poem. It really does speak for itself, and I really love the contrast that you have between, like, you fall into a really nice rhythm and rhyme, and then you break it, and that's, like, very jarring. And that, combined with certain very specific images that you have, is so powerful. You really take us on a journey over here
D. Meatrie
@wickedgypsybird · 1:02


You. I appreciate so much that you could hear what I wrote and get it. That, to me, is everything. And everything you said, critique wise or just what you picked up on, is generally the flow of how I write. I like to keep certain points where there's like you said, there's rhyme, but then I like to intersect that with something that's completely off, but then come back around to the original rhyme if I can
