Bob Thompson
@whatbobthinks · 1:47

Moving forward again

Let's talk about being away and coming back and making another comeback. The last couple of months, I have kind of disappeared. I had some personal stuff going on, some health challenges and things of that nature. So a lot of the stuff that I was trying to do and build kind of went by the wayside. Even though I enjoyed it


Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:49
That's the beauty of the process, is you, you move forward again, you start again, and you always start with new knowledge, with something that you've learned while you were sort of in the ash. But, yeah, I totally agree with you, and I really loved the way you talked about it. Thanks so much for sharing
Bob Thompson
@whatbobthinks · 0:11


Thank you very much for your kind words. I do appreciate it, and hopefully I will continue to keep moving forward. Onward and upward is all we can do. Thank you