Bob Thompson
@whatbobthinks · 4:48

The importance of self checks. Part 1

Once I realized I was not going to stay at my current company, I worried less about the day to day. And we're going to just call it what it is, the day to day BS and politics of working somewhere to where you're fussing with this person or this person perhaps picking on you or has it out or wants to undermine your authority. After a while, that became okay. I just ignored all of that

#whatbobthhinks #motivation #Want More Take More

Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 1:10

Self checking now

Hey, Bob. Hi. Thank you for this reminder. This is such a great reminder of self checking. Well, I particularly enjoy it because I often invite folks to self check by virtue of my profession. I work with students, so I'm always encouraging them to be aware and being aware in leadership and so on. But no, you don't, because you are self checking. I do not self check or haven't self checked in this way in a while
Bob Thompson
@whatbobthinks · 1:29


And that's really what it took to sit down and start thinking about where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do next, and quite honestly, what I wanted to do permanently because I wanted to be happy. And then, of course, my wife at the time, we were able to make that happen and move forward. And I went full time with real estate in 2007 and quite happy about that
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:29

#inspire #mindset #growth

And obviously you need to be one somewhat in tune with what you desire so that you can be able to accurately write out the goals and then keep them in the front of your mind and watch as things begin to transpire to bring you closer to those goals. As long as you're focused fully on it but allowing the space for it to kind of come into reality. It seems to be a pretty simple approach
Bob Thompson
@whatbobthinks · 0:50


I don't always, at least in the past I haven't always done as good as the job as I had hoped, but I am trying to implement this pretty much weekly daily as we continue to move forward through the year. Thanks a lot. Bye
