Vipin Kamble
@Vipin0124 · 3:31

I too had a Love story

You're good evening everyone whipping this side once again one more unfinished love story. Yeah. You must be thinking all the time. She comes with unfinished love stories. Can't help it. A broken heart comes with only the heartbreaks and the memories of heartbreaks

#swellcast #poetsofswell #collegevoiceofindia #vipin0124 #poet #writer #love #unfinishedlovestory #heartbreaks #poetry

@Rohit_raj_0001 · 2:16


Hello, Ma'am Rohit here. And I must say your poem, your swell is very beautiful. Not just because it is about the love story, but because of the emotions, the feeling that each and every word of it contains. I just enjoyed every bit of it. It was so intense, so heartwarming and just a treat to listen. So absolutely perfect. Everything was just so beautiful about this
Avantika Rabgotra
@avantika202 · 3:51
But once the person's exit from our life or that moment of absence comes we are just left with remembrances. Or the time we passed with that person. In the absence of that person we used to think about past. We used to think those happy moments which we used to spend together. We used to think how the love was so much intense. How he hold me tight. But after the moment of exit we are just left with remembrances
