Vidhi Juneja
@vidhijuneja · 5:00

Journey as an Artist

So for me, relatability is number one. And the second thing I would say is authenticity because people know what's real and what's fair. So when you curate your content, make sure that it's wholly yours and you let them know that what your ideas and what your personality reflects is absolutely what they're watching. Next up we have is how to deal with creative blocks and stay motivated. Now, honestly, I have had creative blocks which went on for months. Not even kidding

Join me in an insightful QnA around my journey as an Artist and Budding YouTuber. @missvidhijuneja #artist #youtuber #contentcreator #motivation

Kritika Mehra
@Kritika.Mehra23 · 0:24
I hope you are doing great. So my question is, do you ever feel like giving up on this thing? Like it is not easy to open up in front of all the world. Like the judgmental ones, they always give you negativity comments, how you deal with it. Like do you feel giving up? If you feel that way, how you deal with it
Vaishnavi Mittal
@vaish_2230 · 1:56
Hi somewhere. I can relate with you as I am also a content creator but not on YouTube. I create my content on LinkedIn and somewhere on Instagram. So yeah, that's me. And for content creation, you should be real. You you should be authentic. Like as you mentioned that point that everyone know what is real and what is fake. So you should be true with yourself and with your work and most importantly with your audience
Tanishka Singh
@Tancy_0818 · 3:25


Binthi, thank you so much for this podcast. I'm replying to these questions. That was lovely knowing about your experience. So you talk about how the content should be relatable for all the audience. And I completely agree with that
Samiksha Bharti
@Samiksha_B17 · 1:27
So Hi, this is Samiksha. I hope you are doing well. So I just listened yesterday. It was really, really nice as we just talked about the journey of an artist. So I just want to point out whatever you said, negative comments. So I just saw many of them, like many creators become so demotivated. And if someone is keep posting, then he or she is still motivated
Priyal Kedia
@priyalkedia024 · 0:35


Hi, Vidhi. It's amazing to have you on this belt because the person like me, I really want a guidance because I want to start my channel as a travel blog on the YouTube. And and I really need your guidance on that. My question is what to do exactly. Like being different from others on the YouTube and what people really love to watch on the YouTube. So thank you
Priyal Kedia
@priyalkedia024 · 0:40


Hi. So my second question is like being an artist, you upload sort of some videos on the YouTube your content. So how you will ensure that your content will be confidential in the sense no one can copy your content, whichever you art making. For example, a famous YouTuber is taking your content and he's she is getting a good review from them, but you are not getting that. So how to manage that on the YouTube and how to grow on that. So thank you. Bye
@Akshita07 · 0:55
Hi Vidhi, I hope you are doing great. So art may be a way to explore your world or your imagination. In this way, life is art. Art may inspire a beginning painter to take steps into learning a new medium or an accomplished artist to experiment with the new technique. Artist Teaching Artist Learning art can be exciting, empowering, and an expression of love. Art can be a challenge
Shruti Singh
@Shruti_Singh · 0:56


So I guess this is true. As long as we are feeling related or we are feeling involved, we get into areas and fields. And it was really lovely listening to you. And informative, too, of course. And thank you so much for this wonderful spill
Anwesa Saha
@Anwesa · 0:31
Hey, welcome to Spell and it was great listening to you and I really like the way you talk and since you are an influencer. So I'd like to ask you that if sometimes you see that you are not getting that much views or the comments or less, do you get disappointed or do you just I don't know, what do you do if you see that some of your video is not getting the exact amount of responses that it should have gotten
Tarun Garg
@tarun_garg · 1:13


Hi there. I hope you are doing great. So I can see that you have came up with a very amazing topic here on the Swell and you have answered some of the questions. That reflects one thing for me, especially like we do learn from other things. Like it's always a good thing. You have shared a lot of questions and the answers as well. I got to learn too many new things here and you have shared your journey as well
Nishtha Kaushik
@Nishtha_10 · 1:24


Hey, Vidhi, hope you art doing great. This was such an informative and, you know, a great swell. And I loved listening to you. I just had a couple of questions in mind. Like how do you stay consistent? Like, it's not not easy to keep having ideas about your content. Like, it's d*** difficult. I understand that
Aakansha Girdhar
@Aakanshagirdhar · 1:53
Hello Vidhijuneja. First of all, welcome on Swell. And you know, I literally feel felt a connection with you because I'm also a budding YouTuber, also creator. And I need to give you a few questions which I feel that if you answer them, it will be really great help
vaibhav behl
@vaibhavbehl · 1:22
Okay. So there were, you know, like a lot of good points, and I wouldn't want that. I don't reply to any single one of them, so I would like a lot of replies. A gig. 50 the first point, you said authenticity it I completely agree to a point. Being inspired by someone and being an exact copy of them is two completely things
vaibhav behl
@vaibhavbehl · 1:51
But, you know, like, the appraisal I got from them, the appreciation I got from them, lifted my spirits. So I get your point. But for example, I never got that sad. I was sad at some point, but I never got that sad. And like, me and my friend, my friend and I made a page that used to post poems and stuff
vaibhav behl
@vaibhavbehl · 0:43
Yeah. Like, I saw a YouTube channel and I subscribed to where I'm, you know, like, I would see the videos after I've been applying to those Wells. So the type of stuff that my audience would be stories. Like, I write poems and stories both. But people could relate to my stories more than my poems, probably because I used to use a lot, lot of metaphors in a Queen. So maybe that was one reason
vaibhav behl
@vaibhavbehl · 0:54
And in my mind, I'm like, Bro, please have all the reports. To be honest, praises is not something I would run for. But being appreciated for my efforts, that is a real drug. If you must
Shashank Sehgal
@SSS135 · 1:29


And then they applied this learning and they became something else, something better than the previous version. So this is what people do. And it was just an advice. I absorbed it in some channels or even in some content creating post. And I just wish you best of luck for your future endeavors
@Chandrita · 0:37
Hello. I do enjoy watching blogs and whenever I have three times I just scroll over to YouTube and find something fitable for me to watch. So I want to ask you a question that people take a video in either a good or bad way and sometimes there's a huge criticism from their side. So what do you do to keep yourself uplifted on watching those comments? Or how do you accept those criticisms so that you can make the next blog more interesting and acceptable
Vidhi Juneja
@vidhijuneja · 1:08


Hi Prior. Firstly, thank you so much for listening to the podcast and answering a question. Firstly, Congratulations that you are actually thinking of starting a YouTube channel because it takes a lot of guts. I know. And for being asked Keith what does the audience like? I feel Jesseho Vesajirahi personality just portray that only in fact you will not have to try and portray it authentically. And like you said, you are interested in travel blogs so you don't have to necessarily invest starting May
Vidhi Juneja
@vidhijuneja · 1:20


Hi Grettyka, thank you so much for listening to the podcast and asking a question. Ah. I feel starting with you will be judged and everything, but that's how you make a strong personality for yourself. Know the pros and cons of our platform and make your mind strong that whatever the other person says is not my reality. So focus on the good part. Just do that. Because everybody who's going to be shady on you is only going to reflect their insecurities
Vidhi Juneja
@vidhijuneja · 0:15
Hi firstly thank you so much for listening to the podcast and giving your opinions. I absolutely agreed with what you said and it's a delight to listen to Ah what your opinions are. I wish you all the best for your journey. I hope you grow more and good luck. Bye
Vidhi Juneja
@vidhijuneja · 0:29
Hi, firstly, thank you so much for listening to the podcast. I really appreciate that you shared your opinions. I completely agree with you to whatever you shared, question after question about your experience and everything. Wish you all the luck and I hope that you keep journaling. That's a great way to connect with yourself. Art journaling is really good so I wish you all the best and I hope to see you around. Bye
Vidhi Juneja
@vidhijuneja · 0:53


But I also feel that the people who told us are the ones who are projecting their insecurities towards us. The ones who can't do it, don't let others also do it. So that is a background part. We don't have to concentrate on that because every time you do something good, there will be people who will not like you doing that. So just check that and let's keep doing good. I wish you all the best and hope to see you around. Bye
Vidhi Juneja
@vidhijuneja · 0:54
So that's how you know to whom it belongs and how it is taken from your YouTube. So I am not experienced in such situations, but this is something that I can tell you to avoid getting copyrighted
Vidhi Juneja
@vidhijuneja · 0:19
Hi Akshita, firstly thank you so much for listening to the podcast and sharing your opinions here. I completely agree with what you said. It's a beautiful set that you have said and I completely agree and adore the way that you have upset these lines. I wish you all the luck and hope to see you around. Bye
Vidhi Juneja
@vidhijuneja · 0:12
Hi Shruti Firstly thank you so much for listening to the podcast. I'm glad you're here to share your opinions and thank you so much for the lovely compliment. Ah I wish you all the luck and hope to see you around
Vidhi Juneja
@vidhijuneja · 1:35
Just don't expect too much. Just do your work, do your art and leave it to the audience then. Thank you. I hope that answers your question and if you have any other questions I'll be happy to answer them
Vidhi Juneja
@vidhijuneja · 0:18


Hi Tarun. Firstly, thank you so much for listening to the podcast. I'm glad you're here and thank you so much for sharing your reviews. I'm very happy that you got to learn something. I mean, it's the best part when somebody says this to you, all the best. And I hope to see you around. Bye
Vidhi Juneja
@vidhijuneja · 2:03
I definitely know for a fact that if you have asked me these two questions, you are a curious person and you like to know about people and explore things. It's just that the doubt is holding you back. So don't hold yourself. You will make mistakes. Just be confident and believe in yourself. The second question is consistency. Very happily. I would like to agree that even I struggled with inconsistency on YouTube and it has been covered up. May I consistent?
Vidhi Juneja
@vidhijuneja · 2:18
Or if you want completely new ideas, you can put up ask me a question on Instagram and they can give you Das on that. That's how it works for me. Whenever I'm short of ideas, my Instagram page would offer suggesting more ideas for YouTube and then they give me the best ones I pick and then I work on them. And lastly, you asked for feeling of being associated with a title like an artist
Vidhi Juneja
@vidhijuneja · 1:09
So I would suggest you to restart your page again because just because the other person was not willing to collaborate with you shouldn't let you not go ahead with the art you add. So start it again. Maybe this time you can do even better. And don't just write because you're sad with the experiences so you can grow more. And I wish you all all the best. I hope your poetry grows more and more
Vidhi Juneja
@vidhijuneja · 0:13
Hi, thank you so much for listening to the podcast and I'm glad that you are sharing your opinions here. Thank you for the advice. I will definitely apply it in future and all the best to you too. I hope to see you around
Vidhi Juneja
@vidhijuneja · 1:22


If you think it's criticism worth taking for your growth, just reply to them with a really nice thanks for your opinion and I would work on it for future and take it in a positive way. Social Kedia as we all know has pros and cons. We just need to accept that we need to focus more on the pros rather than the cons. I hope you got the answers answer to your question and if you have any other questions I would be really happy to answer them
