Jesus Is Alive!

So it was while they conversed and reasoned that Jesus himself drew near and went with them. But their eyes were restrained so that they did not know Him. And he said to them, what kind of conversation is this that you have with one another as you walk and are sad? Then the one whose name was Cleopas answered and said to him, are you the only stranger in Jerusalem? And have you not known the things which happened there in these days? And he said to them, what things?

#jesusisalive #heisrisen

#jesusisalive #heisrisen

And he really did appear later on to the disciples. So the resurrection of Jesus proves that our faith is not useless. But we don't stop there. It's not just for enjoying his risen songs for you to prove that your faith is not useless. Tell this desperate, anxious, confused world that Jesus meets them right where they are. Jesus's promise is to be with you. So Jesus comes to you right where you are. Number two, Jesus positions you to seek Him more
