Paul Vato
@VatoΒ Β·Β 4:58

How I Started Interviewing Poker Celebrities on my Podcast, Paul Vato Presents!

And I'm pretty sure I just met her on Clubhouse, which I'm a big fan of clubhouse and social audio in general. And she was kind enough to be my first guest. And then from there, I moved on to friends that I knew from my Chicago days, like Bill Cott, C-H-O-T-T. Who played Mr. Larry Tate on Wizards of Waverley Place. And he was the announcer on The Ambiguously Gay Duo on Saturday Night Live. And he was in the movie The Ringer

The WSOP is upon us & the action is HEATING up. Come listen to how I started interviewing people from the world of poker on my podcast. #WSOP #Vegas


Thank you so much. I'm looking forward to hearing those interviews you already have in the queue, and I'm looking forward to your interviews on the road. I miss the poker summer camp of the world Series. And so, yeah, I'm hoping you'll do some of those here on Swell, even of interviewing people just briefly. I would love to hear some of their voices again, at the very least. And, yeah, thank you so much for answering that question
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardesΒ Β·Β 0:44


Like, I've been sitting next to her and I interviewed her and we hung out because we were with Michael Bouble. Anyway, let me see if I can find out what her I think she has a username. I'm not sure. Anyway, let me know. Let me know. Welcome to swell
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

phil spade
@PhilΒ Β·Β 2:18

Cigar store still open?

Maybe it's time to spin up Mad TV again. But back to poker. I am headed to Las Vegas, so I did have a question of whether your cigar store is still open. I looked that up, and I understand it was in Binyans, but I can't tell if it's still open or not. So any guidance there?


And cameras are there and you can watch them playing. And they have a screen up above so you can see the table. Yeah. And you can pop in anytime you want. And those are happening, like, I wouldn't say 24/7, but they happen a lot of the time. Yes
Paul Vato
@VatoΒ Β·Β 2:28

@SeekingPlumb NOT a friend of Jonathan Little! πŸ€·πŸ»πŸ˜‚πŸƒ #Poker #WSOP #LasVegas #Vegas #WorldSeriesOfPoker #Comedy

Oh, my God. You made my day. Thank you for the great compliment, and sorry it took me so long to get back to you, but yes, and my sincere apologies. I I didn't know that you would fall for it, but I'm glad that you quickly realized I was just joking. So my apologies. I'm a comedian. What can I say? But now I know I won't my with you because you'll believe everything I say, I think
Paul Vato
@VatoΒ Β·Β 1:45

@DBPardes Thank you for the warm welcome!

But, yeah, my ex and I used to have a little show called the Smoking Lamp Is Lit because I'm in the cigar business and we would smoke on our boat and tell stories and reminisce. I'll see if I can find those old episodes. So wonderful. Thank you again. And yes, I will do my best to continue to put up Swells here. And again, I would love to interview Cameron and yourself and anyone that you think might be interested
Paul Vato
@VatoΒ Β·Β 2:45

@Phil Connect with me at & listen to my podcast at Please give me a follow & review on Spotify & Apple Podcasts. TY

Phil, thank you so much for the kind words on my swell, and great to hear from you, and I look forward to hopefully meeting you in Las Vegas when you make it out here. It sounds like you're going to be here pretty soon. So let me know if you go to You can connect with me there, and you can send me a DM, and I can send you a blend description of my cigars so that we can find you something that you like
Paul Vato
@VatoΒ Β·Β 1:10

@SeekingPlumb The #WSOP IS at the #ParisCasino & #Horseshoe on #TheStrip. #LasVegas #Vegas #Poker #PaulVato #PaulVatoPresents

So, yes, you are well versed and I hope to see you in Vegas again sometime soon. You can come for a visit and play some poker again. And that was so cute. Your little kitty purring. All righty. Great response to Phil, and take care. Bye
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardesΒ Β·Β 0:40


Hey, Paul. I sent a note over to Cameron. Let's see what happens. For sure. Let's see what happens. I'll let you know. I'll keep you posted. You can always interview me. All you got to do is do the advanced setting of Q and A and leave me some questions, and I'll do my best I'll do my best to answer your questions. I'd be thrilled. So, um, we can also do it on your podcast
