Vartika Vermaa
@Vartika_Verma · 2:32

Tell me about your day!

And his father never acknowledges him, never he patches back and he's never there for him. And because of all that he's facing this disease, it is actually a disease because I don't know, it said it in the show. So what happens is his doctor actually she was supposed to be someone else, but her twin got into this business just because she had to pay really big debt and she got scammed by her own boss

#sayitonswell #routine #culture

13_Priyanshi Kumari
@priyanshi13 · 0:41
Thank you so much, Vartika for sharing this review. And I will also check this show out. And if I talk about my date and it was quite boring, obviously, because I got my second in vaccination today. So I spent about 2 hours there in observation and all and then I came back and I was feeling a little bit tired. So I spent the afternoon sleeping and then there's at College stuff and I got the news today that my College are opening soon
