David Mayes
@usmmc3086 · 0:25

#MyProfile | David Mayes

Hi, my name is David Mays, and I'm an inspiring, inspirational speaker. I won't say motivation because I believe that motivation is limited, but inspiration is what really gets you up and get you going. So I'm an inspiring, inspirational speaker. Love personal development, business, finance. Anything that's about improving our human existence


Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 0:17
Hi, David. Welcome to swell. Look forward to hearing some of your inspiration, and hopefully that motivates me. So welcome to swell. I'll give you a follow and look forward again. Look forward to hearing what you post
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:18

#welcome #inspired #uplift

Hey, David. I love the distinction between inspiration and motivation. I'm a big fan of inspiration. I think motivation is short lived also. But anyway, I just gave you a follow. I'm so excited to hear more about the topics that you mentioned and just to connect in the future on here
