bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 2:17

#1482 The Giraffe and the Chiropractor

The giraffe and the chiropractor hear about it at urban legends and stranger truths. It was a very tall order, but an Oklahoma chiropractor gave a neck adjustment to a 16 foot male giraffe that according to the Washington Post, and they say that he has the whole procedure in a series of videos that quickly went viral. In these clips, the chiropractor Joran Whitley is seen standing on a raised platform to access the upper regions of Jerry the giraffe's neck

#crack #neck #oklahoma #giraffe #chiropractor #neck #jaw #longhorncattle #chew #dog #cat #horse #chicken #bat

Isoellen Writes
@Isoellen · 1:50
I'm really glad you shared this article, and I want to thank you, because one reason is I have seen the viral clip of this guy fixing the giraffe's neck and it snuggling up to him as if to say thank you. But the clip was simplified and edited down. It must have been shared or reposted somewhere. I saw it on Facebook, so it wasn't from his account, and I couldn't figure out who this guy was
