bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 3:39

Toy Hall of Fame 2023

Last year, the spinning Top Masters of the Universe action figures and light bright joined past honorees that range from scrounged items like the stick and cardboard box to store bought toys that everyone seems to have, including the Wiffle Ball alphabet blocks and the teddy bear. The Fisher Price Corn popper, a plush toy with a colorful ball, has been repeated as a finalist, encouraging babies who are learning to walk for many years

#forgottenfive #pogostick #cornpopper #mylittlepony #PEZ #transformers #toyhalloffame #historian #educator #expert #nominate #spinningtop #litebrite

phil spade
@Phil · 1:14


If you haven't seen it, I believe it's on Netflix. I thought it was just very interesting. It's a story about a guy in the living in the United States would travel over to Europe into Pez headquarters, and he would smuggle Pez Dispensers, rare Pez Dispensers back into the United States where he made millions of dollars. How he did it is a story that is absolutely incredible and one that I would highly recommend been watching
