bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 3:44

Worlds Oldest Dog

He is a pure bred rafiera doe alajentho, a livestock guardian dog with an average lifespan of about twelve to 14 years. Well, now he's the world's record holder for the oldest living dog. But originally, Bobby wasn't supposed to be alive at all. Bobby was born along with three other male pups in a rural village in Portugal. At the time, the family who owned them already had a number of animals and pets and decided they couldn't care for any more

#Guinness #WorldRecord #RafeirodoAalentejo #Portugal #

Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 0:34
But I feel like it's so helpful to be able to be like, look at that big dog that lived until 30. That's amazing. It gives me hope for my little baby because I definitely want her to be immortal
