bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 2:17

Running on empty. How Far?

That could mean that it's one to four gallons of gas, depending on your tank size, and that translates to about 20 to 30 miles, or as much as 50 miles in a larger vehicle. And while this sounds like a decent buffer, it shouldn't be a license to ignore the gaslight. Driving while you're low on gas can potentially damage your fuel pump, which has to run hotter with less fuel. A low tank can also begin moving more debris into the fuel filter

#gaslight #fuelgage #tank #cruise #effiency #speed #tenpercent #damage #fuelpump #gaslight #debris #fulltank #damage #

Theo Seibold
@itsTOW · 3:03
In Theo military, we used to call it the idiot light. Not to call anyone that, but it was basically like, hey, you got to fuel up. Go do it. Or the joke used to be you let it get to E, and someone would say, e is for enough, as opposed to empty. And it sucks because obviously now fuel is expensive. Everything's more expensive. And what I do now, I do ride share predominantly for my income
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:57

#article #journalist #reporting

So I respect it and I appreciate it. But, yeah, I just wanted to pop on and check in and see if you reproduce or do these blogs yourself. Is there a place we can go to read all of your blogs on your site? Or is this the site? Is this where you kind of go and bring life into already existing articles that you just find interesting? Either way, thanks for being here and reporting on it
bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 1:19
It has been my experience in life where I've had friends who would drive their cars and never look at their fuel gauge, and I can't tell you the number of times someone would call me and say, would you mind coming over and pushing my car? Or could you help me go get a gallon or two of gas? And fortunately, I'm old enough now that my friends don't do that. They don't call me for that
