bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 1:36

Man poses as mannequin for afterstore theft

After the shopping center closed, the man on one occasion stole from the jewelry stand. Then he went over and stole from a restaurant where he sat down to have something to eat before slipping under the roller shutters at the entrance to a store to swap out his clothes for new clothing. That according to police. Afterwards, he returned and had some more food. However, he was eventually spotted by a security guard, who then called the police

#poland #warsaw #police #staff #shoppers #stealing #motionless #cameras #jewellery #restaurant #eat #clothes #security #cadh #prison

phil spade
@Phil · 0:26

@Urbanlegends How long was he standing still?

There must have been a full moon here recently, because these are some stranger truth stories here today. This is unbelievable. But my main question here is how long did he stand in the window? If he stood there for 20 minutes, it's not as impressive as standing there all day and for hours at a time. Being a mannequin in the window, that would really be something. But wow, what a story. I am curious to know how long he actually stood in that window
bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 0:12
You? Well, I had to go through 17 different news story sites to find it, but the approximate time that it was an estimate is 2 hours. So thank you for your question. Bye
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

phil spade
@Phil · 0:17


Well, thank you for doing the extra work. I didn't mean to make you do that much work. But 2 hours is definitely impressive. And I think that should be taken to an account when he is actually sentenced. That is pretty impressive. 2 hours. I would think that should lessen his time or his punishment. But that's just me
bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 1:03
You. Hi. Thanks again. There's always more to stories than what you're able to tell, even in a five minute format. But the amazing part about this is that this gentleman has done this several times before and had never been caught
