bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 3:40

VanGogh’s Ear

You've heard the story about Van Gogh's ear. Now hear the possible truth on urban legends and stranger truths. Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gogon moved in together to create an artistic gallery. In February of 1888, in Oral, France, van Gogh was enamored with Gogon. They fought. Gogon was ready to leave. Van Gogh was upset. He charged after Gogon with a shaving razor. They argued. Now, it's here that the two stories diverge

#vangogh #guaguin #ear #Arles #France #razor #yellowhouse #historians #champion #fencer #rapier #sliced #prison #brothel #cleaninggirl #prostitute

Aitch Que
@AitchQue · 0:25
If anybody thought for a moment that we're living in wild times, I'm here to say wild times have always been here. Wow. What a story. Not surprising, because who would actually just cut their ear off? That made a little bit more sense than what we know of. Boy, I tell you if
bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 0:21


Hi. Thank you for your thoughts and your comments. You know, when you post something like this and you take it from various sourced materials, you sometimes worry about how people are going to accept it or understand it. And I just want to thank you for sharing your thoughts about it and that I hope you have a good day. Thank you
Harpreet Singh
@harpreetgamgeen · 1:43


This throw some light on life of an artist and in a way artists are crazy. By crazy, I do not mean that they are mad or local, as they call it in Spanish, but obsessively perfectionist in art in any form or in life. And they would go to any extent to make it work the way they imagine it to be, which is quite a fascinating trait for more or less all the artists
