rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 3:02

The moment when you hold your own creation in your hands

Sometimes all we need to realize is that most of the obstacles that we come across in life are self created. Do you have a story that you do not gather the courage to publish yet? Stay tuned for the featured section of this trawellcast, where I will share some of the lessons I have learned through my self publishing journey. Meanwhile, if you're sitting with a cup of coffee by your side, I hope you consider keeping this book by your side as well

#paperbackrelease #arunachaldiaries #travelmemoir #travelogues

Pragati Chopra
@Pragati.chopra · 3:21
And I really have this dream for myself in future, so I know they're going to manifest soon, but all the best and people like you are really motivate me, inspire me to push myself every day and keep giving my best and just have faith that everything will work according to the divine timing. So thank you so much. Also, I need to ask you one thing. I have applied for the Sril Content Creator program and they asked me to join the waiting list
The Bookbot Theory
@Bookbot · 1:11

Looking forward @trawell_cast

Hi Rajat. I'm very excited and really looking forward to hear about your journey. I can relate to that feeling of holding your dream in your hands because that's how I felt when I also held my first book and I still sometimes do that after so many years. Also us to get that thrill again because you know what happens in life when you tend to get into a routine, make some things a part of your life which are considered to be special
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 1:21
Hi, Rajat. So, big congratulations for publishing this wonderful book, Arunachal Diaries. I am delighted that you experienced what you experienced, and now you could put it down on the pen and paper. It's such a wonderful thing. And I was going through pictures also, and it looks absolutely rudely, classy and sophisticated. Also something that I could give to some travel buff friend of mine. So congratulations. And I'll certainly give it a read
Aanchal Makhija
@Dr.Aanchal · 0:35
You. Hi author there. So I can totally relate to it. And I am very, very happy to see this for you. So many congratulations, first of all. And yes, definitely, when we see our product in our hand, we feel accomplished, we feel happy, confident that all the obstacles we have faced through this journey finally have become happy or a root for all of us and for others, for which purpose we have written this book
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 5:00

@Pragati.chopra @DBPardes @heidi

When I started writing way back in 2018, I was also full of inhibitions. I had a mountain of self doubt in front of me. I wrote my first manuscript in about 100 days. It just took me 100 days, about three months to write my first manuscript. But it took me three years of time to go ahead and finally publish it because I was so clouded with the idea that how I will be judged for my writing that I used to take a step ahead and then two steps behind
preethy uthup
@peeli · 1:31
But still, I'm giving it time because I'm in no hurry for my own thing to come out, as you said. Like that analogy which you talked about and the seedling that is coming out. It was brilliant analogy, and I really liked it because that's really the birth of an author, the birth of a book, the birth of a concept, and the birth of so many things. So it's beautiful, I would say
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 4:58

@Bookbot #authorspeak #bookpublishing #selfpublsihingjourney

And the publisher arranged for everything from designing the book cover and designing the entire book and then finally getting the ISBN for them. But now the publisher is holding back their royalties. And when I researched a little bit, this is what I realized, that the publishing companies take our content, take the author's content and put their ISBN number on it. And a lot of people, a lot of authors, they don't understand the new authors. They don't understand the consequences of that
Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 2:10
And I agree that there's a story within all of us because again, we all have experiences, we all handle our experiences in our own way because we're all just so different and unique. And it just takes, I feel that belief in yourself, that skill for you to develop that skill and for you to put that hard work in, to really break through and be successful in writing. And I feel that I don't know, I guess I don't know how to do that
Pragati Chopra
@Pragati.chopra · 1:57


And your story about your first book and how you have been writing about six years now has shown that you just have to have the willpower and then you can overcome anything, whatever you desire to do, and then just surrender to the universe that it's going to do what's best for us. So your insights and your story has really inspired me, and I'll surely not give up and keep putting my best till I achieve what I really want
ash dew
@ashdew · 0:10
Hi, Rajat. Congratulations to you. And the book looks good. I mean, the COVID page is amazing, and I'm looking forward to read this one
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 1:05
Hello, Ash. Thank you so much for listening to my Svelcast and would love to know your views about how you found the story, how you found the journey. And also, I hope it encourages you to tread that far. And because the time when I saw the places and I visited them, I documented them, that was almost more than one and a half decades ago. And now a lot of people have been traveling to that place
The Bookbot Theory
@Bookbot · 0:53


We've been working towards the same goals of making publishing easy and accessible for authors. I would definitely love to stay in touch with you and I think we should collaborate on an episode. I would love to interview you on the bookbot and let people know about you more on this. Take care
Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 2:31
I will just write it on Wattpad and that's it. But later, many encouraged me, my readers actually in Wattpad encouraged me that you should write, you should publish. It's good, actually. So they encouraged. Then I talked with my family and then finally it happened. And I can never express what I felt when I held the first paperback in my hand. I have two more paperbacks
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 4:56

#authorspeak #selfpublishexpertise #selfpublishjourney #selfpublishjournal

After a certain point of time, a lot of people, a lot of readers who had been constantly following my books, they came to me and they said, no, we are ready to pay you and please publish a paperback version of the book. And that's how I decided to get into a paperback version. Although my journey is going to be I'm still in the learning process. I'm still understanding, but a lot of things I had understood
