But every time you turn around, it's like you're practicing something and you're learning things each and every day and maybe every hour on an hour, but you're not applying it. So I want to talk to some people out there that's learning how much faith they have, that's eager to grow and hit new heights in a life that's in alignment with the Word, alignment with God, with themselves, the people that understand what it takes to become better


J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:03
And so I asked her. Well, I didn't ask her. She explained to the audience, let me say that that when you think about the entire world and you're speaking of everyone or all people, you can't speak for all people and everyone, you have no absolute idea what all people or everyone in the entire universe is doing. So how can you make that blanket absolute statement so it makes it automatically not true, or how can you say what everyone or all people are not doing?
