Deborah Gilmore
@Transformationย ยทย 4:57

Nothing Is Wasted ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’•

Okay, so he says, so he's, it's not in vain. So it's not in vain, y'all. I'm sorry. He says, your suffering has purpose whether you can see it now or later. God is not random and your sorrows are not pointless. So instead of it rehearsing what could have been and holding on to our regrets, we can choose to move along with God, allowing him to navigate and take us into unforeseen areas of unexpected growth

Psalms 56:8; You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.

lashonda walton
@Trap_Formation7ย ยทย 4:42
I think that because we were not taught that in school, growing up and we learned it so late in age or later on in life that it becomes crucial to our journey in life. It becomes, you know, very important that we learn to do such. When I was younger and I used to open up the Bible before I decided to go on this faith walk, I like to call it this journey of discovery
