@Tkk · 1:04

Hey! I am on swell ❤️

You. So hey, to everyone who's listening to this, hi, I am Tk, and I'm here to start my own podcast journey. So I am not really sure what I'm going to start here, but I just want you all to know that I'm hooked up to Swell now. And I just want to learn more about the platform, listen to something, some amazing content, and then create some of mine

#life #journey #content #stories #advice #confessions #colleges #teenager #podcast #useful #great #story

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:28


So do give that Swell a listen, and if you like it, do drop a reply on it, because that's how you can connect with more people on the platform and become more visible as as well cast yourself. So welcome once again
