Trevor Hammack
@tjh · 4:50

How Much Do You Need To Be Happy?

If we can go here, if we can get this, if we can purchase that. I know we may not want to admit it because it sounds like we're being very materialistic, but I think we can all agree that there's a happiness and having certain money and certain things. I think there's probably more of a correlation than we would like to admit. So if we're just play along, just play along with me

Would you be happy with $525,000 a year? #money #culture #happiness

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 3:27
It would enable us to be able to invest a little bit more. But as far as millennials, I think millennials know their worth. They think that they're worth more. And I won't say that they're not. I mean, if that's what they believe, I believe it with them. Get what you want. My pastor always says if we don't ask God for enough, maybe we should ask him for more
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:59
Time has passed that money would be during a time where I had more freedom, less responsibilities, less baggage, and just the freedom to explore and make mistakes and try things than I did when I was older. You're also in ways often more physically limited as you get older in age. So time plays a huge role into it. I say in general, though, the money needs to be enough where first and foremost, I don't have to worry about anything
Trevor Hammack
@tjh · 3:19

What We Think We are Worth? @LadyFi

In your reply, you made a statement in regards to millennials needing so much money. Maybe because they feel they are worth it. Maybe they feel like they're worth over $500,000 a year and they're not going to be happy until they get what they feel they are worth. And that got me thinking about happiness in general. Forget money
Trevor Hammack
@tjh · 1:53

Stages of Life

I mean, come on. That's a good thing to do, right? We have to make fun of millennials. They destroyed the world, right? Aren't millennials responsible for the destruction of basically all of humanity? Okay, I'm joking. I'm joking. So I do believe, seriously, stages of life would obviously be a major factor, but I think millennials get a very bad they kind of have a bad reputation
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:04


Because your mind is already made up that I'm worth so much more. And people should pay you what you're worth if it's feasible for that particular company. And if it's not, go somewhere else that feels that your worth is worth, that. There are lots of people that have left various companies because they felt like they weren't paying them what they were worth, and then they moved on to companies that said, you know what? You're right. So here you go
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 5:00
Just like Ecclesiastes were saying in the Bible that we will never catch it, just keep on going. And at the end it makes some people sick mentally because their money is not enough. What they are making. All their money is going down. They are losing money on this. It just on and on. Anyway, I'm going to leave it here. Thanks for listening and
