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Finding joy finishing one 📖 at a time. Reads by @bowie Let's talk books & more books!

Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 3:07

What's the last YA novel you read?

I don't want to give anything away in case you do end up reading this novel, but that's something that also bothered me as well, but overall, I still gave this book a solid three stars. I liked it. I definitely think other people should read it and will enjoy it, but I probably won't be reading it again. I will be passing it along to a friend who I think might be able to appreciate. So what's a Ya novel that you read recently?

Thoughts on Aristotle and Dante! #bookreviews #books #yanovels

Liora H
@liora · 0:54

More queer YA 🥳

Hi Bowie I just wanted to hop on here, even though I haven't read or rather finished a Ya novel recently. Although I am slowly working my way through Percy Jackson the first one I wanted to hop on here and just reiterate how important it is to have queer and gay white literature and just express my appreciation of it as well
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 1:13

@liora Never too late! 📚

It is a shame to me, like thinking about growing up, and I don't think there was one white ape books I read that had any gay or queer characters, and it took me a long time to understand that there were people like me out in the world because it just was really not reflected in any of the stories I was reading growing up, and it was so heartening to read this story, even though the novel I mentioned is not perfect, it still had a lot about it that I was just like, man, I wish I would have read this when I was a teenager and I'm really excited to keep checking out the queer Canon
