Tanushree Ghosh
@thoughtsnrights · 2:54

#AuthorStory | The moment that made it worth it

And then for the books I have published, really, there were many rewarding moments when I actually launched them, when I was signing the copies and when I had many people come in and join the discussion on what we are talking about, it was very rewarding, very fulfilling to be able to talk about what you wrote, why you wrote, and answer questions around that

#SPBAuthorStory6 #SwellPrompt #TellYourStory

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:35
And I think you speak a testament to it's not even about getting that valid patient or that serotonin or dopamine hit from having stayed focused and producing the book, but it's the opportunities that that process unlocked for you. Maybe it's who you realized you were or what you remembered you were capable of. And I say remember there very intentionally
