Mo Houston
@thisisametaphor · 4:53

Preaching & Teaching and the Cult of Human Design: the difference between passion & self righteousness.

People get excited that something finally helped them so well and they think that they can do this thing and they can teach it. Or like any math teacher you ever met that was awful at teaching math, but man, were they really good at math. It's like just because something is working for it doesn't mean that you can teach it. And it certainly doesn't mean that the way that you're teaching it is the way in which people need to come across

#yoga #restore #retreats #astrology #humandesign #religion #timeshares #yogaretreat #generators #extremism #alignment #bodysoul #coaching

Mo Houston
@thisisametaphor · 5:00

Human design and profiling. #humandesign #timeshare #mentalhealth #clarity #profiles #birthtime #birthchart #astrology #chakras #bodyhealth #retreat

I mean, it's a fun time. Human design is a fun time, but it's just like anything else that it's accumulating, like people's interests. I think in a sort of like this will solve your life type of way and it could probably be super helpful. I certainly found that it to be that way. But once you start tricking people into wanting it, it becomes a pyramid scheme or just some just gross money pitch. And I think that's just the difference

#yoga #holistichealth #mindbodyspirit #healingjourney #wellness

Hey, Mo, Stevie here. Oh, gosh. I am not at all surprised in the least. I've been teaching yoga for over a decade and been in the holistic health world and absolutely not surprising. It's really sad. And quite frankly, it's harmful and unjogic, I would say, just the way in which yoga is marketed and capitalized on here in the Western world
Mo Houston
@thisisametaphor · 4:56


I love how many different ways somebody can take something so beautiful, the foundation of it, and make it into something meaningful, but at the same time, like, the discernment is there for me because, you know, sometimes you fall into a trap and you're like, well, this is fake, where this is full of s***, you know? And I think that the word they use was toxic cluster f***
Brooke C.
@Brooke415 · 3:08


I'm pretty sure you give that girl a panic attack. What the h***? You know the language already. I thought you were, like, totally sympathetic, and it turns out you're one of them. I approve. Go on. I'm listening. That's all. I'll sign off with all my swells. Go ahead, call her. I'm listening. I'm not believing, I'm not buying, but I'm listening and judging, probably. What else?
Brooke C.
@Brooke415 · 0:56
Real quick. Oh, my gosh. That's why I don't write down jokes. I should try to be funny, but I don't try to be funny in writing because when I read what I wrote, I read what I said, they put it in writing, it sounds so rude. I'm like, oh, that's not what I was trying to get across at all. It requires a nice big dose of sarcasm. And in writing, you can't hear a tone
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 4:20
And it's because there's no critical thinking employed or in a case where there is some malicious scheme the manipulation of somebody for some kind of objective of either gaining like in the case of pyramid schemes people can become zealots about anything. I've been an astrologer, classic astrologer, for decades and I can say I've been on a lot of boards and I spent a lot of time just kind of trying to help people not be extreme about astrology. It's very weird
Mo Houston
@thisisametaphor · 4:59


That's interesting. Not writing down jokes as a rule because it is funny. When I looked at the paraphrasing, I guess, like the written snippet, I was like, oh, no. But also completely interested regardless because right away, if you start to read it like the tone does change and then approving, except that it sounds like it's like you're being very looks like sorry, it doesn't sound like, questionable
Mo Houston
@thisisametaphor · 4:52

@theheartdrive #rant #humandynamics #humandesign #astrology #yoga

That's really curious to me because when it comes to human design, I think that that is one of the don't want to abuse the word fraudulent, but there is a fraudulent to it when it clearly takes from three systems and show chakras. The use of I think chakra and energy flow is something that is really fascinating, I think, about human design and especially the astrological aspect of it. But it is kind of reckless to know
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 5:00

@thisisametaphor last sentence: i like tried and true methods and see how a new system holds the test of time.

Like there is no specific aura aurology in astrology. It also takes language from other systems that I've noted. So it's kind of like a mishmash. And it doesn't mean it can't be an interesting system in its own right. It's just these new systems are like, I don't know, everything I think needs time. If you look at the basic principles of astrology, they have not really changed. Like classic I'm not talking about Google astrology
