Simon De La Rosa III
@TheSimonShow · 5:57

What Does Being Sober Mean?

Now, this approach involves setting limits and boundaries around substance use, such as establishing specific days or occasions for consumption and adhering to a predetermined quantity. Moderation can be a challenging path. Of course, as it requires careful selfmonitoring and self control to prevent relapse or excessive use. Another approach is developing healthy coping mechanisms as a way to maintain nonapstinent sobriety. This involves finding alternative ways to manage stress, emotions, and triggers that may have previously led to substance use

#BeingSober, #Sobriety, #SubstanceAbuse

Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:59

Confessions: The Anti-addict. @TheSimonShow

I do have a gift with the drinking. I also dipped in high school, all throughout high school. I injured my back the summer after high school and got on oxycodone, codone, and opioids like everyone else did. I took all those in a week and had a really good time. But then as soon as I got off of it, it felt like I had the flu and I just never looked back. I don't get addicted to things
Simon De La Rosa III
@TheSimonShow · 4:36


I mean, God gave me another chance, and I owe it all to God and Jesus Christ. That was a wake up call. And believe me, it took me a few months to recover from that, but it taught me quite a bit as far as abusing substance abuse. And while I don't smoke anymore, I have the occasional drink, but not anything like I did before. And usually it's just light beer, something very non alcoholic beer now that they make
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:53


But the amount when I put a drunk on, as they would say, because it takes a lot to get a drunk on. And if I'm sitting there with my friend, just him and I, drinking beers, there's one night between the two of us. We drank 30 yinglings in an eight hour period and somehow got up the next day. He went to work at 05:00 a.m. And then I just carried on Monday. That's the kind of tolerance that we're festering
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:50

Terrible advice for everyone! #RoosterMethod #DoNotFollow #DoNotSelfMedicate

It helps me not drink, to be honest with you. And then of course state where I live in drugs are decriminalized, but we're actually doing scientific research on psilocybin mushrooms and I don't dose psychedelics anymore. But when I was in high school, I did take what is now referred to as a heroic dose of mushrooms. If you ever want to hear that story, just ring my bell and I'll tell you
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 5:00

The Art of Drinking.

Hi, Simon. How are you? This is a good one. So I live a sober life, and I've been sober for three years. And it's been awesome. It's been really, really great. And how do I define a sober life? I just don't drink anymore. I was. Was a great drinker, and I drank wine and fancy stuff, and I've always been a drinker since I went to college
