Dennis Serrano
@the_skills_lab · 4:54

The If-Then Method To Achieve Anything You Plan.

And what could be an obstacle then? Well, an obstacle could be that I in a meeting. So what you do is then you write if it's 10:00 A.m. Or ten in the morning, I will read for five minutes. If I am in a meeting, as soon as I finish the meeting, I will read for five minutes. And you write that down and you guide yourself with that. You can have several if then activities

#productivity #methods

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:25
Hi, Dennis. I had never heard of this method before, actually, but I really like it. I feel like these tools that kind of help visualize our days are super helpful. So yeah, that's awesome. Thank you so much for sharing that. I'm definitely going to try it this week and see how it goes
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:06
Would it be successful or accurate practice to say, if I'm on a call with somebody when I get off, I will edit my photos? I know it seems kind of simple, but I just want to check to make sure I get the practice. It because I'd love to implement something like this. I have white boards, and I'm pretty good with lists and checklists daily, but I'm always open to new ideas, and I'd love some clarification on this
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Dennis Serrano
@the_skills_lab · 4:55


The thing is that all of us want to achieve something in life or in our jobs or our projects, but few of us have a practical and effective method to make things happen, the things that need to happen to really achieve what we need to access and succeed. Achieving the goal, the ultimate goal, let's say. Yeah, you can iterate and you can play with it, what's really working on it. You try to all the time incorporate the obstacle because it will happen
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 4:26
I think that this app definitely stands out over a lot of the other social media platforms because of its wholeness and uniqueness. I've attended money talks, investment talks. I've attended talks about people who are getting out of prison and have applied their lives to what their dreams are after 30 years. I've talked to a lot of amazing people here. And in high school I discovered a quote that I think it was from Isaac Newton. I may be incorrect, but I think it was Isaac Newton
