Harvey Pullings II
@The79thstreetkd · 4:53

Semantics and the issues of modern sensibilities in education

And this made me think particularly about our current climate that we're in right now, where we're in an era now of way more aggressive political correctness, and we're in an era now of way more different voices that are able to get their point across on a variety of different platforms. And when it comes to these types of issues, particularly with history, now more than ever, because I can't recall anything like this when I was growing up

#editorspick With education in American history being in an odd place, we have to be careful with modern sensibilities dictating the facts of the past

Harvey Pullings II
@The79thstreetkd · 4:50

Part II

I've talked a lot about on my podcast, on this podcast here, all the dynamics of cinema and the problematic aspects of not respecting culture and not respecting people's stories and over commodifying things and making more about money. But a real issue that we have is a respect of understanding that there are things that are the way they are because the world is not always a good place and it wasn't a good place
Harvey Pullings II
@The79thstreetkd · 4:59

Part III

We didn't really get any civil rights bills passed to protect us from police brutality. And I bring that up is because when discussing the image of black people in media and how we're perceived and how we're seen as human or lack thereof, satire has always been extremely important because sometimes you have to laugh at an ugly joke. I think there's a difference between an ugly joke and a classless joke in order to have a greater conversation
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

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Tiye Robinson
@tiyerobinson · 4:05
That's part of what being oppressed also means. But we should not have that responsibility to undo these systems. That responsibility belongs to white people. They have reaped the benefits of our ancestors being enslaved and all of the affirmative action that they got for 400 some odd years as a result of all of that. So they have the obligation and responsibility to dismantle those systems that marginalize us, to help them at our expense
Harvey Pullings II
@The79thstreetkd · 4:57


And we can see a lot of anti blackness, and we can see a lot of how white supremacy has helped shape so much of what we consider the institution and the foundation of the United States and how we exist and how we get things done. We can see these bigoted influences that has shaped the place we call home and we can see the dismissiveness of it where people are trying to ban books and remove critical race theory from school
