Harvey Pullings II
@The79thstreetkd · 4:47

Podcasts and the end of the Late Night TV culture

And I was thinking how Jimmy Fallon might be the last prominent, super prominent host of the late night talk show era. I know a lot of people will go for Carpool karaoke. A lot of people will go for Jimmy Kimmel

#editorspick As media continues its strange metamorphosis, one institution that really personified class and culture, the Late Night show is dying.

Harvey Pullings II
@The79thstreetkd · 4:50

Part 2.

People are dressing down on the shows and not in a bad way. It feels very modern. It's really crazy to say how the late night institution, which we've all grown up, it in some way, shape or form going way, way back to maybe Carson. And I know there's got to be more before that. If I Google and look into the history that does start to look now like a generation and a concept that has gone by
Harvey Pullings II
@The79thstreetkd · 4:44

Part 3

We used to see everybody from Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, but we also saw shows with Richard Nixon appearing and John F. Kennedy appearing and Dr. Martin Luther King, because you had shows with people like the D*** Cabot Show or The Murph Griffin Show, and you have all these different shows that just felt like there was a sense of grandeur. But there's something about podcast culture now, and I particularly look at Joe Rogan, to me that just screams of this
