Lori seymour
@TeAsMe · 0:36

Medicinal Teas

Hello. Good afternoon everybody. I would like to start sharing about herbal teas and how to take them dosage recipes. I'm going to try and get on here every day and at least share herbal recipe on how to make an herbal tea, some of the benefits of the tea when you take it and et cetera. If you're interested, please feel free to join the group. Have a beautiful, beautiful afternoon

#tea #wellness #herbs #medicinal #livewell #womenshealth

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:15
Hi. I'm super interested in hearing more about the teas. I am a huge coffee drinker, and I'm trying to switch over to more teas. So looking forward to hearing some of these recipes
Lori seymour
@TeAsMe · 0:19


You. Good afternoon. Thanks for your interest. Are there any specific tea recipes that you would like to hear or any specific issues you're having that I can give you a recipe for? Let me know and I can put that on. Thanks. Have a beautiful day. Bye
