Tasha McKinney
@tata_inc · 5:00

Relationships, dating, love ,approach, in a social media world

So the whole dating scene right now, my mind is so focused on just healing and trying to get myself back to a whole person after going through a crazy situation with separation, the whole and divorced, things like that. So it's just so different. People's approach. I don't know. You cannot approach 40 year old me the way you would have approached 29 year old me. The commentary, you know, the texting

Life from a gen-x and older millenial standpoint #genx #millenial #love #healing #parenting #voice #voiceactress

J Wang
@jsmwang · 0:37
Hey, thanks for sharing. I'm definitely interested in hearing more about your dating experience. From a genetics perspective. I guess I would be considered a millennial. But yeah, I so for me, I see that you have so much more life experience and probably have a very interesting, very different and very wise perspective when it comes comes to dating Inc the modern age. So yeah, looking forward to hearing more
Tasha McKinney
@tata_inc · 0:33


Thank you so much. I really appreciate that. I will definitely bring more content or more like many updates or a bridge between the podcasts and things. I do have a lot to say about the topic. I try to always bring it back to not get too much much into my own personal thing and you can use that as material, but I try to look at things from a broad perspective that others can either see a part of their self in or able to relate Inc some matter
