Tanishka Singh
@Tancy_0818 · 4:59

Falling in love with a single person... What does it mean?

As a person you can be the most close to and you can share a lot of things because you can't do it in every single relationship. It's the person who makes it mean, you know, the most calm out of everybody else you have in it. I think I have a few lines in a way I could understand it

Have you ever fallen in love? If you have please do share your feelings or experience really I want to know! #sayitonswell #love #together #life

Priya kashyap
@Priya_swell_ · 1:50


Hello everyone. This is Priya, Kashyap and Tanishka. You have seriously erased a very good topic. That is it possible that we can love the same person? We can love a single person them many times. Listen what exactly love is? What? I think love is finding someone who is exactly like you means what you think the another person thinks almost the same. I cannot say that it will be 100% same, but there must be quite similarities
Tanishka Singh
@Tancy_0818 · 1:55


And I really agree, like that's what love is about, finding yourself within the other person. Because even though we love people, it's not just about loving that person. It's both ways. It's like we love that person, we want good for them and we want good for ourselves as well. So your idea is really beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing this. I hope you have a great day. Okay then. Bye
