Tamie K
@Tamiek · 2:14

A Time When I Felt God Spoke to Me

Hello, swell family. I've been out of commission for several days and am recovering from ear and sinus infection. My hearing isn't so great right now, but I want to participate more. I want to address the daily prompt a time when I felt like God or the universe spoke to me February 17 will mark a year since my father's passing, a time when it seems that God spoke so clearly

#god #christianity #faith #godspeaks #tellyourstory #swelldailyprompt

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:27
You. First of all, I'm very sorry about the passing of your father. You know, now that he's in heaven and he is healed completely of anything and everything, and up there with our lord and savior, we can rest assured that he's happy. But I wanted to offer my condolences to you as you're saying that the upcoming anniversary date is coming up
Tamie K
@Tamiek · 0:51


You. Thank you for your condolences. Lady Phi it's amazing how God reminds us of his existence in the middle of our most difficult moments. I love to meditate on Isaiah, chapter 63, where Isaiah is prophesying about the messiah that would come, and he talks about how the Lord relates to and identifies with our sorrows. I consider myself blessed because it was my father who led me in the prayer of salvation when I was a young girl
