Tamie K
@Tamiek · 3:15

The Glass Partition of Segregation

If you want to hear a man of God speak, and he's a great teacher of truth, you should be able to sit anywhere in the church to hear him. No one should feel intimidated by another in God's house. We're all his children. I really don't know if there are churches like that that exist today. Maybe this dream symbolizes the body of Christ. Believers around the world as a whole know that I'm not racist

#dream #prophetic #godshouse #church #bodyofchrist #culture #sociey

Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:57


And evangelical like, the churches are really fighting this, the reclamation, meaning that one body of Christ, which was the message to begin with, we're all of the body of Christ. We are the third temple. We are the church for the body. The people are not any specific church. It's the people. It's starting to happen now. It's starting to happen. It's starting to a. What is the Vatican? What is the pope?
Tamie K
@Tamiek · 0:47


You. I think I've seen more segregation in some protestant denominations than others. As I broke away from the Baptist and Brethren churches, I attended pentecostal and nondenominational ones, and I see mixed races and blending of cultures the way it should be, one body unified and worshipping the Lord together. I believe the third temple is literal. When you study the 11th chapter of Revelation and the 24th chapter of Matthew and the 9th chapter of Daniel together
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 0:10


Well, damn it. I guess I'll have to read Daniel then. Thank you, my dear. I will be studying Daniel tonight. I'll get back to
