Oraida Levi
@TalkswithOraida · 3:30

Do you know who you are? | Episode 2 Regaining your power!

But let me tell you, it's a whole different situation when you're able to control your emotions. Wow. I'm talking from experience. Dealing with difficult people that will twist and hurt you emotionally and physically, have you double thinking yourself like, am I going crazy? Am I insane? But the moment you hit that emotional intelligence level and you're able to see things clearly and you're able to choose what is worth responding to and what isn't, you have regained your power

#takingpower #back #selfworth #protect #your energy

Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:10
I have to be secure in who I am and be willing to listen and to hear. But when it comes to the core values, what makes a person tick, who they are, their integrity matters. So, yes, this is an important topic, because some people just think absolute power is the way to go. No. No one has absolute power. You only have power over yourself. You don't even have power over the situation. You might think you do, but you don't
Oraida Levi
@TalkswithOraida · 0:52


And it's something so beautiful, beautiful to be able to break free from being silent and living your truth and letting others know that you know who you are and you will not allow them to do certain things that they were used to doing. So I appreciate you taking the time to responding piece of your own experience. And everyone else who listened, I appreciate even if you listened and you didn't reply. I enjoy doing these topics and keeping the conversation going till next time
