Matthew Phillips
@Talk77 · 4:50

Let’s talk Tic Toc

Case to point my Facebook page. Today I went to post prayer on my Facebook page, as I always do today. Can't post it now. Facebook owns YouTube. Well, meta owns Facebook, so Meta owns YouTube, Meta owns Instagram, and Meta is a big company. I've noticed that they've banned the disabled community from Facebook because there used to be social community page for disabled people on Facebook. It is no longer there

Social Media

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:43
If it's gone, it's gone. There's probably other similar groups online, but my point is, just knowing if the page is still visible and viewable, or if it's not, will be the clearest indication if Facebook did it, or if the person who founded the group, if it just became too much to manage and they got rid of it themselves
