Matthew Phillips
@Talk77 · 4:57

Big cities Very Big problems

They want you to pay for it in taxes. They want you to pay for it in program cutbacks, medical cutbacks. It's not fair. As I see it, and as a former city worker, as I see it, it's not fair. We need to learn how to take care of home first before we can invite anybody into a situation. Because drama only brings more drama. Okay? Unhealthy living only brings more unhealthy living

Big cities

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:37


And a lot of the shop owners, the smaller ones, were always talking about the energy around them every day. Told them how the city was like the micro is the macro. And if people were coming in in a good space, the city was doing well. If they were coming in a bad space, the city wasn't doing well that day. Very interesting perspective
Matthew Phillips
@Talk77 · 3:53


When you are selfish and you only care about yourself and all the money goes into your pocket and you care about nobody else, these are the things that you have to be careful of when you vote for people. And so I thank you so much for replying to my discussion on big city problems, because it has gotten worse. New York City was never a great city
Matthew Phillips
@Talk77 · 2:47


I forgot to answer your question in relating to the job that I did. I was a mailroom clerk at one center street at the time, the mail room was on the 18th floor, and so I used to deliver mail throughout the building. And probably, I don't know where you worked in the department of New York City, but I probably maybe have delivered mail to your department. Harry was my supervisor. Larry Broadwater was my other supervisor
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:40


That's the only thing we could do when we around corruption, is to keep our table clean and our behavior exemplary so that we can at least feel like we're not in the shadows of someone else's darkness, as you would, as you will. I mean, I think it's. I think it's a life goal for all of us because, you know, I think, you know, the Trump culture is alive and well in New York and in other places
Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 4:59
And she wrote to me. She says, I am one of two houses within a three mile neighborhood where the homes are not owned by some b and B type company that have bought up all the homes. Why is government allowing this to happen? It's bad enough that there are privately owned prisons in the United States, but there are so many problems run amok that, yeah, government probably allows for it because they get some kind of financial gain from it, whereas regular folks suffer
Matthew Phillips
@Talk77 · 4:38


As much as they try to say that they're trying to get rid of it, they're not really trying to get rid of it. The legalization of smoking marijuana for recreational purposes reinforces the fact that if they can keep the dumb dumber and make the dumbest dumber, then they have control and everything about city government, state government, federal government, right now about control. And I don't need to be controlled. I need to be able to survive
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 2:38
Whatever our demographic is, socioeconomic ability, age, everything, every other category. Because now, and as we age, it becomes more and more obvious. All those little lanes, all those demographics are ways to divide and conquer us. So I think wherever you are, if you have the courage to step out as a representative of whatever demographic you want to speak on behalf of, because you are a part of that community, I'm listening. I'm supporting, and I agree with you
