Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 5:00

PATTY HEARST (1988) - Film Review

You. Hello, everyone. Today I'll be talking about this old film that I've discovered a while ago called Patty Hurst. It has been written by the screenplays by Nicholas Kazan. It's. Directed by Bob Schrader The story is basically based on the biography written by Patty Hurst herself and Alvin Moscow, according to Google. Anyways, it's a story of Patricia Hearst, who is a wealthy young woman who's studying in a university. She's 19

#cinema #hollywood #filmreview #revolution #capitalism #poverty #polarisation #kidnapping #stockholmsyndrome

Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 5:00
I want to speak about something that truly matters and it is linked with the film. And yeah, so there are many films, obviously, that have been made on this similar subject where someone has been accused of something and been imprisoned for a long time and how they survive and everything. But we are talking about the entire structure of society that is plagued with darkness and like
Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 5:00
I'm a Muslim Pakistani, purdue speaking, Punjabi American, Brahman, Buddhist, communist, human, whatever. And we never dare to look beyond that because we are afraid of our nakedness, because that's our true nature. There is fullness in that emptiness, an emptiness in that fullness. And we learn to survive through that because we have to serve our purpose. The existence of this universe is not an accident. It is certainly a higher plan
