Fae Liliadem
@SymphonyOfWords · 4:19

I Wish Wish Wasn't A Thing

I think they should have, one, gotten a composer that written successful music for a Disney movie previously, like Lin Manuel Miranda or Alan Menken. And two, they should have ran the script through some of the public to get their opinions. Ultra Disney fans, whatever. Just. They should. They probably used track DPT at this point because they were just so stale. It was like it was trying so hard to be relatable when it wasn't. Ireland

First Swell thoughts?

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:37
Oh, that's a shame to hear. I never watched wish, but it seemed nice from what I saw of it and from what I heard of it. But I also definitely hear what you're saying, and I kind of really like this format that you're doing with kind of going along and playing with the music and figuring out why it didn't work for you. I would love to hear your thoughts on other. On other movies or other things, songs and stuff like that
