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Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:48

#SwellTips: How to Interview someone on your Swellcast

Now, once you've seen the video, kind of hop on back here on Swell, and please let us know if it was helpful or if you need more guidance, okay? Because the Swell team is here, we're here to answer any questions and provide more guidance as you need help as you conduct your own interviews on Swell. So happy interviewing, happy Swell casting, and I hope this really helps

#ShortVideo https://s.swell.life/STrUC2BOADFY34g #SwellTipsFromSwell #SwellInterview

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:58

Interviews on Swell

Can we add questions if it's a scheduled post in that way, it doesn't go out to all the followers without the questions, or are we just inviting that one person initially to the interview and it only posts to them, and then the questions are added, and then it post to them? I'm confused, so I'm sorry, but I just need a little bit more clarity on it. Okay. Thank you
Hey, Deborah. I have been hanging out on Swell all day, kind of catching up on the last few months of not being present or active on this awesome platform, and this was something that I was reading about that the new feature. The new Ask a Question feature in our Swellcast settings allows us to interview other people, and I think this is really awesome. I've seen a couple of your interviews in the past, and I think this is a great feature
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:08


So one thing I do is I post it, but before I post it, I keep it as invite only. So nobody can pop a question in there. But yes, when you toggle that QA, it automatically has a different structure. So you post the introduction maybe toggle it Invite only. You invite the person that you want to have come and speak with you
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:43


Vanessa, thank you so much for your encouragement. It's a wonderful thing that know, continuing to be in dialogue with everybody to make sure we're doing what you guys want. I just want to reflect on your idea about setting up questions and then having answers that you answer


Well, I'm super glad you think it's clever, Deborah. I was trying to think of a way to use the kind of theme for this month, and I think the first week is the interviewing somebody on swell, and, well, I'm on swell, so I could just interview myself
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 0:37

@vanessaragains om Swlf interview.

Vanessa, I love your idea. I'm new to swell cast, and I've been sitting and thinking about my interview and would certainly love to do a dry run. And doing one of self is such a great way to introduce ourselves to our community and our new friends. S so thank you very much for that. And I am looking forward to getting to know you through your self swell interview

@OnAcornBay, here is the link to my Interview: 🔗 https://s.swell.life/STz5aGL3WuIX7JR

Hey, Shawna. I'm so glad that you like the idea of interviewing yourself. I thought it was pretty clever myself. And I did share the link to the interview that I. The swell interview of learning and sharing about myself in the description here. So let me know what you think. And thank you so much for the follow. I'll give you a follow back. I hope you have a great rest of your week
Mark Francis Rahaman
@MarkR · 1:48

What happens when someone may delete the app after I interview them?

They only used it for my interview. Will that then make that interview void? I asked this because I remember there was somebody that I had a conversation with. It wasn't an interview, but it was just somebody who chimed in on one of my swells. And we had a good conversation. And I believe they must have deleted the app, because when I looked back at that conversation, all of their answers have gone and it's just. It's just me, which is a shame
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:56


If someone deletes their account, everything they've ever said goes with their deletion. That's to honor people's request to delete their account. So good news is that they don't need the app, they can just enjoy the conversation with you. And the other news, which isn't bad news, just news, is that when somebody deletes their account, everything they've said is also deleted. Looking forward to hearing more from
Mark Francis Rahaman
@MarkR · 0:46


So that means I could just send a link, even if I whatsapped it to them or emailed it to them, they could just answer away, not having to create an account. And that conversation lives in my swell and won't be deleted unless I delete it. Brilliant. Thank you. Thanks for clarifying that
