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Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:26

Starting a Hashtag Series on Swell

You could do short lived ones, you could do really long ones, you could do a series of interviews or a series of book reviews. It's really up to you. And we know that there are great people on this app already doing this, it's already happening. We just know that this feature is really our way to encourage and promote these series. So I hope you really like this concept and start doing your own series

#SwellTipsfromSwell Organize and promote your content with unique and consistent hashtags.

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:26

Click on my profile to see my favorite hashtags in my description 🙌

I want to tell you guys about my out and about hashtag series. I tend to use swell as like a field recorder and I am at a vent and I'm like, wow, this is kind of cool. I want to do a swell on this. And I just walk up to people and talk with them. So I'm going to give you two hashtags for that. One is out and about, which is kind of random. And one is also how I talk to people at conferences
Avi Chand
@avichand · 3:19
I don't know, is there a way to create a link of your hashtag? So, for example, let's say I use a hashtag called nonfiction writing, and I want to share it on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram. So how would I do that? Would that bechanthew how would that work? Let's say I wanted to share I don't want people to come to soilcast.com and search such a hashtag
Avi Chand
@avichand · 1:45
I haven't been a big hashtag user on Instagram, so yeah, I'm still trying to wrap my head around what's the best way to use hashtags. I suppose it's to create conversations around the topic. And as more people write about that hashtag, I suppose you can see what other people have written about it
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:01

@avichand @arish

So that's how you would share Swellcast.com, whatever is generated by that search. So try it out and let me know if it works. You can even post it here and see if that works. But when you're inside the app, it'll only show you it'll go to the results, but it Swell go to the results inside the app
Avi Chand
@avichand · 1:33


So I don't know if it's supposed to work differently on a computer, but on just a phone, it's not working. I mean, I typed in your hashtag out and about, so it did bring up the page. But when I shared that page, it just shares as swellcastcom. There's nothing after soilcastcom. I don't know if that's how it's intended to be. Maybe it works on a computer and not on the phone. Yes
Arish Ali
@arish · 1:06

@avichand Tap the URL address bar on the phone browser and copy

The really cool part about this URL, the Share URL that you get, is that if you share it on WhatsApp or anywhere else and the person who gets it has the Swell up with them, it does open the Swell app with that hashtag search result in the app itself. So if they don't have the Swell app, it will open the browser, but if they have the Swell app, they will see all your Swells on that hashtag series listed right there in the app itself
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Arish Ali
@arish · 1:01

Tap on my profile photo to see my hashtag series in my profile description

So I have added all my hashtag series to my profile description as recommended in this swell, and to see them just tap on my profile photo wherever you see it, right here as well. If you just tap on it, you will see the hashtags in my profile description and if you tap on any of those, you will see all the swells for that specific series. Currently, I'm running four broad series. One is ask a founder. Hashtag, ask a founder
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 0:37
Oh, that's such a joke idea. Thank you so much, Gentle, for sharing this information. I will definitely be sure to do this and kind of go back and edit some of my swell. You know what? Do that. I'm going to start fresh. 2023, actually, starting with my post starting today, going forward, adding a specific hashtag for me. Not that I won't use other related hashtags, but something more specific that people can quickly find my hashtag
Chatty Girija
@CheersChatty007 · 1:35

@DBPardes Due diligence of #cheerschatty. Bio and podcast episodes cleaned up. #swelltipsonswell #masterclass @CheersChatty007

The second thing that I did is I did a search on Hashtag Cheers chatty Inswell and realized not all my episodes threw up. So I went back to Ali, my episodes corrected the hashtags, just a few of them and then again went back to search and did us. And I saw that there was a hashtag chairs Charity mentioned at least across 43 episodes. Not just the ones that I've posted but where I've replied or been mentioned or anything. That's all
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 2:49

@DBPardes #WritingAndBeyond …new series: name it #BSwithBS or #TheWritingCatalogue

It doesn't matter how good of a content series you have created if people don't feel like they can ask you questions. So I would love your input on that. And another thing is, okay, some random thought experiment type things that I do, I would like to call it something. This is one of the Jocular hashtags I came up with because people within the content community, friends of sorts, were telling me, you need to have a hashtag. You need to have a hashtag
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 4:03


So I'm hoping that this triggers you into some kind of new thought process. It's not an answer as much as it is me kind of being a sounding board for your question and seeing if there's ways you can reimagine using the hashtags other places besides Swell and also knowing that people will bump into your content as you invite them and as they do the search for their own interests. So it's a confluence of forces and just stay at it because I think it's your passion
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 0:33

@DBPardes Best answer ever! Thank you :)

Noted. Thank you so much. And I like the perspective of use hashtag to push discoverability. Either it is to have people discover you, or it is to ensure that if people search for something, your stuff is or rather hashtag based on search authority. So thank you so much for this for thought. I think I'm probably sticking with something related to writing for now, you know, so there you go. Thank you so much
Ethan Carpenter
@eeeethooo · 1:18

Swell = 5/5 ⭐️ #whatiscooking

I might go for a minute or two just by saying, whoever conceptualized and created this app deserves a raise because it's so awesome. And I'll tell you why it's so awesome. It's cool and awesome because it takes people away from video and image consumption every single second of the day and looking at posters of people with captions underneath and not necessarily getting to know that person through one of the most important parts and facets of human connection, which is the voice and using speech in the language
