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Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:53

Welcome to Swell!

Hey, welcome to swell. This is Deborah. I'm a part of the Swell team. And we are really glad you discovered Swell. And I hope you really have fun here. And I want to welcome you to Swell today by doing something I love to do, which is asking questions of new users. And this one is about your favorite book or movie, specifically in 2022. So I'll start by sharing my own

#WelcomeToSwell #helloSwell Say hello and share your favorite book or movie from 2022.

Arif Makhdoomi
@maddy007 · 0:52
And when he is given the power to say or to ask for anything but he wishes the freedom and he wishes the free empire that makes him a true leader and gives inspiration to us that we should live and think something big in our life. Thank you
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:24

A Journey of Love (on Amazon & B&N)

Hey, Deborah. Greatswell. Well, let me start with me my very own first literary Baby via a Journey of Love Workbook and Intimate Guide on Intimate Partner Relationships is a reflective work book with reflective questions and excerpts from my own journal entries. Throughout the years of how I showed up in relationships how people showed up in relationships to me and how I responded and participated in it
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 1:43

Great for shadow work

But anyway and I've honestly had this book for four months, and like I said, I am digesting it. I've said to others, I'm digesting it very slowly because it is so rich with what she is sharing and with very in depth exercises in the book to help you really come to terms with the light and dark sides of yourself that I've really taken this read seriously
अजनबी Anonymous
@ivgaur · 3:45

#TheMurderOfRogerAckroyd #Fauda #Godan #Manssearchformeaning #TheGodFather

Anyway, I'll move on to the movie, the movie that I have watched this theater and it's my favorite this year it's going to be none. I have not really watched movies. I've watched a few but I didn't like them so I'd go with the web series that I bought
अजनबी Anonymous
@ivgaur · 0:33
Well, in addition to my previous audio, I wanted to reply that I'm really sorry for that much of disturbance and noise in the recording. I didn't know it until I posted it and when I heard it and it just sort of played and I realized the recording got ringed. So, yeah, I posted the picture of books and it is understandable but noisy. That apologies for that
Lacie Bateau
@Scrambledbrnz · 3:11

Favorite Book of 2022

My favorite book from 2022 is by Norman Reedus and it's called The Ravaged. It is a great first story. It's three stories in one about three different characters, jack, Hunter, and Anne. And it's really it digs into their demon and things they leave behind to get from one place to the next. They're all traveling somewhere and they don't cross over into each other's worlds
Stefanie Sequeira
@Stef_reads · 2:08
The Contrary series was something I quite enjoyed, and since they didn't mention TV shows, I always didn't mention it Wednesdays, and I think everyone is talking about Wednesday, and there's a good reason why. But Adam's Family has been something of a favorite of mine ever since I was a kid, and it was quite an interesting show and I recommend it to a lot of you to watch it if you like

punjabi #punjabiboys

International English Language Testing system
Ricky Campos
@Fitness177 · 1:28
Now, one thing about this book that really got to me was the shift that Matthew McConaughey did when he went from a law student to a film student. In this book, he talks about how he was able to be in a room full of so called artists who didn't really have the eyesight that he did as far as the big budget. His fellow students were into very artsy film, and he wasn't
Berotte Jean berty
@Berty97 · 2:12


I also want to mention that I took the decisions of using this app because I wanted to speak more in English. I am a non native speaker. I speak French and Creole because I am an Asian. On the other hand, I think that's where it's amazing application, where we can switch, where we can speak freely with other folks and sharing your passions and everything in life. So I'm really glad to be here
Rex Thurmond
@Thormundr · 0:36
A book that I read this year that I really loved was the Art of Impossible by Stephen Cotler. What it is about is it gives the reader a way to access what's called flow. In other words, just extreme focus where a person is so focused that they lose track of time. They're able to get things done, able to able to achieve huge, huge goals. And glad to be here
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:29


Hey, Rex. Thanks for that. By the way, I wanted to just mention the weirdest thing I heard about that book. I think about three days ago, I was in conversation with a bunch of people at a table and somebody mentioned that book. And then here you are mentioning it. It's not a new book, right? Or is it a new book? I don't know. But it came up in conversation
Rex Thurmond
@Thormundr · 0:44


Deborah, thank you for your reply. I was just looking here. It turns out that book was published on January the 19th of 21, so it's relatively new. I would I would highly recommend it. It was I found it to be really, really interesting, and it was a book that, once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. I really like Steven Cotter
Prentice Parton
@justprentice · 0:50
My favorite books of 2022, not necessarily released in 2022, but I'm going to go with let's go with two things. Number one, the Secret and the Power Series by Ronda Byrne that was released a long time ago. I know, but I just discovered it in 2022. And the Heel documentary slash book slash podcast, those two things have changed my life for the better. And 2022 was kind of a year of manifestation and growth and health that I'll continue on
Shivani Sharma
@ShivaniSharma · 0:41

Corporate Chutney #corporate #startup

Hey, everyone. I'm so excited to be on Swell and start my Swell cast journey and listen to all the other wonderful people here for the starters, like Deborah asked on her Swell today. So my current read is Corporate Chutney by Ravi Verma. This book is an excellent read for any leader, manager, or you're trying to get into the role of leadership. So the author touches upon all the real life incidents in his life and how to overcome challenges. A must read for everybody
Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 1:58


There are many films that I loved this year. I usually watch movies I read less because it's hard for me to concentrate and very rare that I read a book. It just doesn't come naturally to me. I prefer cinema or a good TV show, so it's hard to choose one. But if I had to, I would say joyland
caroline Aguiar
@HorseConnection · 0:17
Hello there. My name is Caroline, and my favorite movie is Where the Crawdads Sing. And I read the book too, and I love them both. And the song by Taylor Swift is amazing. She sings it so well. So that's my reply. Thank you. Bye
Candace Joseph
@bizzguru · 0:15

My 2002 movie favorite

Well, I have to say, the best movie that I've seen in 2022 is Emancipation, starring Will Smith, is a very great story for it to be a true story. And it was a great depiction of this movie
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

My fav book and movie of 2022 #lookingback

I was starting a book club where we were going to read some memoirs and biographies and autobiographies, and I wanted to start and plan to start with Sicily Tyson's memoir. I talked about it for five months straight as life began to get hectic. And we always can make an excuse right when we know we are supposed to do something, but there are other pressing matters that we have to prioritize, and that's life
Indomitable LLC
@Indomitable · 1:57


Hi, Deborah. Great, swell. My name is Tavita and just got done listening to a couple of the replies on some of the listeners and followers that are on this Swell app. I'd say my favorite book. I didn't do a lot of reading in 2022. It's a new year now, and so I'm looking forward to picking out a book and starting to read this year. I was so busy last year in 2022
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:10


And I just remember I forget the quote he used, but one of those things he said, that stuck with me. And now it's a long group does, but I remember I was so impressed with a theater director. This black, gay, male theater director was talking about Bruce Lee. And I just I'm so in love with the moment of when you see how different worlds collide and support each other. It was just beautiful. Anyway, thank you so much for this note
@SELVAR · 3:35

Emotions & Relationships books by SADHGURU

And in professional life you need to work with them closely to achieve the target of the team. I see the goal of the company as a team. Relationships are very important in living a beautiful world for the shake of ourselves and others. Without relationships, there is no wealth. Without relationships, there is no work. Without relationship, there is no peace. Lot of learning from the book and a Berty expression. Simple language using English is very very inspiring. Must wait for everyone living on the air
John Prosser
@Johnprosser · 0:04


Keisean Raines
@KeiseanRaines · 1:13
One of my favorite books of 2022 was a book that I had been recommended to read, had purchased, and had never actually read until the last four to five weeks of the year. And I actually didn't sit down and read it. I used my trusty listening app and listened to it over the course of a couple of weeks. There were chapters that I literally went back and relistened so that I could take notes
