Surabhi Verma
@Surabhiverma29 · 1:13


He takes all actions knowing that the universe stands by his side and that he is the cocreator. Cocreation does not happen in the absence of consciousness. It emerges when we begin to see life as it is, not as something that happens to us. Life never happens to an individual. He instead creates it. Well, that was a small excerpt from the Book of Divine Consciousness. If you like it, please do visit Amazon and give it a read

#spirituality #consciousness #divine #shiva #shakti #enlightenment #kundalini #twinflames #spiritualawakening #ascension #lifecoach #author #buddha

Vipin Kamble
@Vipin0124 · 1:49


And if you are receiving the Divine Consciousness, definitely you have some connect with your past life, some past life karma, and something is left there in that life that you might be completing in this life cycle. That's why you're achieving the divine consciousness. This is what I have learned through my meditation process during these few years. And definitely I will definitely read the book. It seems promising. And the things you have explained end needs to give a good read
Surabhi Verma
@Surabhiverma29 · 1:16


I'm going to follow you, and I'm also going to share more about the event itself. Thank you so much once again for your kind words. You have truly made my day. Thank thank you
